




地址:江苏大学 必赢766net手机版 安全工程系


1) 防火隔热材料

2) 火灾防控

3) 城市火灾安全评估




[1] 材料导报、Nanotechnology等期刊审稿人。

[2] 江苏省科技副总

[3] 南京市专家库成员

[4] 常熟理工学院校外指导教师、滨州学院兼职教授


[1] 江苏省产学研项目,主持,在研

[2] 轻质隔热材料的设计与研发,主持,在研

[3] 热工仪表高低温环境下性能检测技术及变化机理研究,参与,在研

[4] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(51408306)参与,结题


(1) Wang Zhan, Le Chen, Fusheng Cui, Zhaozhan Gu, Juncheng Jiang. Effects of carbon materials on fire protection and smoke suppression of waterborne intumescent coating. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2020, 140, 105491.

(2) Wang Zhan, Zhaozhan Gu, Juncheng Jiang, Le Chen. Influences of surface area of graphene on fire protection of waterborne intumescent fire resistive coating. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2020,139, 106-113.

(3) Wang Zhan, Zhaozhan Gu, Qingwu Zhang, Zhaofang Chen, Wenjie Guo, Juncheng Jiang, Le Chen. Influences of film forming materials on the performance of graphene fire resistive coating. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures

(4) Wang Zhan, Le Chen, Zhaozhan Gu, Juncheng Jiang. Influence of graphene on fire protection of intumescent fire retardant coating for steel structure. Energy Reports, 2020, 6, 693-697.

(5) Le Chen, Wang Zhan, Huimin Sun, Zhaozhan Gu. Infrared Emittance and Electrical Properties of Ce4+ Doped Sm0.5Sr0.5CoO3 Ceramics. Solid State Phenomena, 2019, 294, 45-50.

(6) Wang Zhan, Zhaozhan Gu, Juncheng Jiang, Le Chen. Synergistic fireproof effect of graphene and carbon nanotubes in fire resistive coating. Powder Technology, 2021, 385, 572-579.

(7) Wang Zhan, Zhongfei Ma, Daolin Du, Zhihao Sun, Lixia Li, Zhaozhan Gu, Le Chen, Juncheng Jiang, Zhiquan Chen. Effects of bagasse fiber as the renewable environmentally friendly material on the properties of the waterborne intumescent fireproof coating. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,139 (34).

(8) Zhihao Sun, Zheng Li, Zhongfei Ma, Wang Zhan, Minxue Zheng. Natural silk fibroin based flame retardant LbL-coating for Dongba paper. Cellulose, 29, 9393-9406.

(9) Lixia Li, Qinkai Guo, Baohe Lv, Minxue Zheng, Wang Zhan, Yanhong Liu, Wanzhen Xu, Ruiwei Wang, Hongbo Zeng, Baodong Mao. Surface modified silver/magnetite nanocomposite activating hydrogen peroxide for efficient degradation of chlorophenols. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 617 (2022) 246–256.


(1) 蒋军成; 展望; 潘勇; 倪磊; 一种水性超薄钢结构防火涂料及其制备方法, 授权时间:2022-5-20, 中国, ZL 202010612704.X.

(2) 蒋军成; 展望; 倪磊; 一种防火涂料性能测试装置, 授权时间:2021-1-5, 中国, ZL 202021793041.8.

